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Writers of Color Writing Club 

Hosted by Parable and Blue Cactus Press

Sign up here.

When: Monthly, Second Friday of every month from 6-8pm

Cost: Pay-what-you-want suggested monthly donation: $25

How it works: 

Writers drop up to 5 pages of poetry or 10 pages of prose into a shared google drive folder by the first of the month. 

From the 1st of the month until writing club (second Friday), writers will read all the content in the folder and consider writing down feedback to give to writers at the writing group. 

During the first half of the writing club, we’ll engage in giving and receiving feedback. We’ll spend up to 10 min (total) giving the chosen writer feedback on their writing. Feedback can be verbal or written. After 10 minutes, or when conversation about someone’s work reaches a natural end point, we’ll move on to the next writer. We’ll break into smaller groups if necessary, to save time and build intimacy with each other.

After a short break, we’ll spend the second half of writing club engaged in guided and free writing exercises. Those who wish to only engage in free writing can do so. 

August 31

Freedom Camp Showcase

September 9

Soul Sessions